Issue: I bought ETH But It’s Not Showing in My Ledger Wallet

2 min readJan 31, 2021

Ledger Live is an excellent platform for users who want a smooth UX for sending and interacting with cryptocurrencies. However, sometimes errors are inevitable. You may have noticed that you received cryptocurrency to your Ledger, but it is not showing up on your Ledger Live dashboard. Don’t panic, there are ways to fix these.

Today, we will go over several fixes to this type of issue, so hang tight, your crypto is still with you.


Make sure you are using the latest version of Ledger Live.

  1. Check that the transaction went through successfully.

a) Make sure that you sent the cryptocurrency to the correct address. It might be the case that you sent the cryptocurrency to the wrong address or sent the wrong cryptocurrency to an address. Ethereum can only be sent to an ETH address, not a BTC address — so check that this was done correctly.

b) Make sure that you have the newest firmware installed. If an update is available and not installed that can screw things up. You may find that when you upgrade, your balance will be changed to the correct amount. This goes beyond the scope of this tutorial but check the homepage and you can find an article to guide you if you don’t know how to do it.

2. Check the transaction on the blockchain with Etherscan.

Step 1: Navigate to the official site (, and type your ETH address in the search bar, as shown below.

Step 2: Click ‘Enter’ and this will pull out all the transactions associated with this address. From this, you can confirm whether or not you received funds into your wallet or not.


If you bought crypto and sent them to your Ledger wallet but the funds are not showing up you need to investigate several things. Has the transaction been completed, have the coins been sent to the right address? If the answer to these is ‘Yes’ then you might just need to resync your Ledger wallet. Either of these will help you solve your issue in no time. Good luck!

