How To Manage UBQ Tokens Stored On Ledger With the Ubiq Wallet

2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Ubiq describes itself as an EVM compatible Proof of Work blockchain that supports tokens, DApps, and smart contracts. Its utility token, UBQ has become eligible for storing on Ledger’s hardware devices, though, at the moment its user-interface app — Ledger Live — can’t be used to manage these tokens, as these are not yet fully supported on the platform.

This is where, Pyrus, the web-based browser of Ubiq compatible with Ledger devices comes into play, enabling the management of not only the UBQ tokens but any ERC-20 compatible tokens too.

Today, we will go over the steps to set up Ledger with the Ubiq wallet — Pyrus. In this way, you will be able to store and manage your UBQ tokens directly from cold storage.

Please note, before we start, you need to make sure that you have the UBQ app installed on your Ledger device.

Make sure you are using the latest version of Ledger Live.

Steps to set up Ledger with the Ubiq wallet

Step 1: Navigate to Ubiq’s web integrated wallet — Pyrus.

Step 2: On the Left-hand side of the panel, select ‘Ledger’. This will open a new window with more options. Select ‘Ledger Wallet’ as shown in the image below.

Step 3: Click the ‘Connect to Ledger Wallet’ button. A window opens. At this stage, you need to have the UBQ app opened on your Ledger device.

Step 4: Use the Ubiq default derivation path (m/44'/108'/0'/0 Ledger (UBQ) & Ubiq based tokens).

Step 5: Select the address to manage, and click on ‘Unlock’ your wallet.


The Ubiq wallet through the Pyrus web interface browser wallet has not made possible the management of UBQ tokens stored on a Ledger device. In fact, the wallet can be used to even manage several ERC20 tokens, hence, extending the usability of the wallet beyond that of UBQ tokens. Use this guide to learn how to connect your Ledger device to Pyrus to start managing your funds right away.

